Images & Objects Tracking

Cloud Recognition

What is a Vuforia Cloud Database?

A Cloud Database is a set of Image Targets stored on a server and queried when you want to detect and track among thousands of images. Use the Target Manager to create a Cloud Database.

Which Vuforia targets does Cloud Recognition support?

Currently, Cloud Recognition only supports Image Targets. If you need other targets, do let us know in our issue only GitHub repository.

What license should I get to use Cloud Recognition?

You can use Cloud Recognition with either a Basic or Premium license key. Both plans cover up to 1000 recos per month. If you need more, you can purchase a Cloud add-on in the developer portal.

What is a “reco”?

A “reco" occurs when your app recognizes a target in your Cloud Database.

What is a monthly reco usage?

A monthly reco usage refers to the total number of recos for all users of your app included in a particular plan.

Where can I see my monthly reco usage?

You can see the monthly reco usage data in the License Manager.

How does the cloud reco counting work?

We have an article specifically covering this topic: Counting Cloud Reco Events.

Image Targets, Cylinder Targets, and Multi Targets 

Can a Multi Target have more than 6 sides? 

Yes, it is possible to alter the Multi Target database to have additional or fewer sides as long as its sides can form a package. These are the steps: 

  1. Create a new Device Database in the Target Manager. 
  2. Upload all images to be included in the Multi Target as single Image Targets (with correct size values). 
  3. Select all images in the Target Manager and download the device database (non-Unity Editor packaging). 
  4. Open and edit the XML file to create the custom Multi Target.  

To utilize this Device Database in the Unity Editor, you will need to take the following additional steps: 

  1. In your Unity project, copy the modified XML file and DAT file into the Assets/StreamingAssets/Vuforia folder.

You can now select the customized Device Database from the Inspector window, but you will not see any of the preview images (as they are normally packaged by the Target Manager in the Unity Asset Package file).  

Can I create custom Multi Targets? 

Yes, if the image files’ widths and lengths match the aspect ratios defined in the Target Manager’s cuboid setup.  

For example, if Width=X meters, Height=Y meters, and Length=Z meters, the aspect ratios must be: 

  • Front & back images -> X:Y (i.e., W:H) 
  • Left & right side-images -> Z:Y (i.e., L:H) 
  • Top & bottom images -> X:Z (i.e., W:L) 

How can I reduce jitter on the augmentations that are tracked with planar targets? 

Jitter is most common to wrongly scaled targets. We recommend always keeping an exact aspect ratio between the physical target and the uploaded target.  

Enable Extended Tracking and Pose Smoothing to reduce the chances of jittering content when the target is moved, occluded, or out of camera view.  


How many Instances can I create from a VuMark template?

The number of instances is defined by the VuMark’s ID length. See VuMarks in Adobe Illustrator for more information.

Instances need to be downloaded from the Vuforia Developer Portal via the Target Manager. You can also use the Vuforia Web Services APIs for generating VuMark instances.

Model Targets

Can I use a custom Guide View in place of the default one?

Yes, you can create custom Guide Views and replace the default ones rendered by Vuforia. There is a field in the Model Targets game object Inspector window in Unity called "Custom 2D GuideView Image" where you can set a custom texture.

How many Guide Views can a single Model Target have?

For Model Targets, you can set up as many as needed. But consider that the Guide Views should be distinguishable for Vuforia Engine to tell the Guide Views apart. See more information in the Guide View article and their snapping range.

For Advanced Model Targets, Guide Views are not required. Instead, you will set up Advanced Views in the MTG (Model Target Generator). You can have as many Advanced Views as necessary, but each will increase training time.

How do I copy Model Target Generator projects between work environments?

An MTG project file is stored as a JSON file. Copy the folder containing this file between work environments. In the MTG home screen, press Open Model Target and browse to the JSON file.

How many Model Targets can there be in a database?

We recommend not exceeding 20 Model Targets per database. In addition, only Advanced Model Target databases (trained databases) can have more than one Model Target. There can be any number of Guide Views or Advanced Views for each Model Target in such a database.

I am having connection issues, what can be the cause?

If you are facing connection issues or receiving a ‘Service is not available. Please try again later.’ when using the desktop MTG application while in your enterprise environment, please see Vuforia Engine Cloud Security for firewall settings.

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