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Working with Cloud Databases

A Cloud Database is a set of images hosted in the Vuforia servers, ready to be queried. Once an image is recognized, it will work as an Image Target. Create and Manage Cloud Databases with the Target Manager or the Vuforia Web Services API.

The Vuforia Target Manager lets you create and manage Cloud Databases. This guide shows you how to get started.

Create a New Cloud Database

Cloud Databases are hosted by Vuforia Web Services (VWS) and provide a way to recognize up to more than 1 million different target images. You can create Cloud Databases in the Vuforia Target Manager by following these steps.

  1. Log in and go to the Target Manager in the Vuforia Developer Portal.
  2. Click Add Database. The Generate Database dialog opens.
  3. Name the database and select cloud as the database type. The database name should be unique for the developer account you are using and without spaces or special characters.
  4. Select the license key to associate your database with and click Generate. See: How To Create an App License for creating license keys.

    NOTE: A license key can only have one Cloud Database assigned at a time.

Add Targets to a Cloud Database

Add images to a Cloud Database using the Vuforia Target Manager or the Vuforia Web Services API.

Add a target to a Cloud Database using the Target Manager

  1. Go to the Target Manager page. You will see a list of your databases by name and type.
  2. In the list of databases, click the name of the Cloud Database to which you want to add a target.


  3. Then, click Add Target.

  4. In the Add Target dialog, enter the name and width of your target.

    NOTE: Developers looking to use Cloud Databases combined with Device Tracking should specify the target size in meters.

  5. Upload the target image and, optionally, a metadata file with a maximum size of 1MB.

  6. Click Add to create a new target in your Cloud Database.


    Your target will become active after a short processing interval.


Remove or Deactivate Targets in a Cloud Database

  1. Click the database name containing the targets you want to remove. You will be presented with a list of targets in that database.
  2. Click the check box next to the targets you want to remove from the list or check the box next to the Target Name to select all targets.
  3. Click Delete to remove the selected targets, or click Deactivate to deactivate the specified targets. Deactivated targets can always be reactivated again. Deleted targets, on the other hand, cannot be recovered.

View the Details of a Cloud Database and its Targets

All your databases appear on the Target Manager page with the following information:

  • The Database name.
  • The database Type.
  • The total number of Targets in the database.
  • The Date Modified shows when the database was last modified.

View a List of the Targets in a Database

  1. Click the Cloud Database containing the targets you want to view. This will take you to the page listing your targets in the database.

For each target image, the following information is displayed for each target.

  • The Target Name.
  • The estimated Rating shows how well the target will perform.
  • The number of Recos is the number of times this target was detected and tracked. See also Counting Cloud Recognition Events.
  • The target's Status: Active, Inactive, or Pending.
  • The Date Modified shows when you last modified the target.

View the Details and Edit a Target

  1. Click on the target in the target list.

The target's properties are listed to the right of the target image.

  • The target Type.
  • The Status.
  • The target ID.
  • The Augmentable Rating.
  • The Target Width, which can be edited.
  • The date for when the target was added.
  • The date for when the target was last modified.
  • The added metadata package which you can replace, remove, or upload.

The Show Features link under Image Targets will show you the contrast-based features of the image that are used to detect and track the target.

Change a License Key Associated to a Cloud Database

You can re-associate a different license key to a Cloud Database if you, for example, want to downgrade or upgrade your cloud capabilities or if you need to change your license key upon renewal.

You can only re-associate a different license key if the existing associated license key is canceled. Active, expired, or suspended licenses cannot be re-associated until canceled.

NOTE: Cloud Add-on license keys are NOT to be used as your app's Vuforia Engine license key. Ensure that the license key in your app is not the same one associated with your Cloud Database, as this process requires you to cancel the associated license key. A canceled license key will fail during SDK initialization, and canceling a license key is a non-revertible action and cannot be recovered.

NOTE: Cloud Recognition fails during the period a Cloud Database does not have an associated active license key. Be sure to have your new license key before you replace it.

  1. To exchange an associated license key to a Cloud Database, click on your Cloud Database in the Target Manager.
  2. Click the associated license key name next to the License Key.
  3. Click Cancel License.

  4. Go back to your Cloud Database target list view.

  5. Click Add License Key.
  6. Select a new, unassociated license key.

Learn More

Comparison of Device and Cloud Databases

Cloud Recognition

Counting Cloud Recognition Events